A folding wheelchair to improve ease of travel

The Revolve wheel is part of the Revolve Air wheelchair concept; the world’s first active wheelchair that fits the universal cabin luggage size standards. PEZY collaborated with Andrea Mocellin, the founder of Revolve Air, to further develop this wheel.

The main challenge in this project was to design a stiff wheel that met all the requirements and standards of a regular wheelchair wheel while at the same time enabling the user to fold and unfold the wheel with the utmost ease. The innovative folding wheel solution came about after many iterations and several prototypes. The new mechanism, designed by PEZY, is a new patented invention.


Andrea Mocellin has received several international innovation awards for his Revolve Air concept. PEZY has invested in founding Revolve Mobility BV and has further developed the wheel into a fully functional demonstrator.


The Revolve Wheel occupies up to 60% less space when folded. It is made of a combination of carbon fiber-filled 3D prints, black anodized aluminum parts, and vacuum casted tire segments.

The mechanism is designed in such a way that it folds and unfolds almost automatically. The user can apply pretension with a simple turn of the hand, creating a stiff wheel ready for driving.

It is a project unlike anything we have seen before: extremely challenging, complex, and with an uncertain outcome. We are more than proud of what our team has accomplished!
